Our school

Our school

Xanthakis School of Foreign Languages

About us

Dedicated to providing exceptional quality in education, employ highly skilled and experienced teachers -graduates of leading British universities-, support learning through modern interactive technology and work with small student groups the Xanthakis Schools of Foreign Languages continue to make a difference in foreign language education since 1974.


Based in Heraklion, Greece, the Xanthakis School of Foreign Languages offers top quality education for children of all ages.

The Xanthakis School of Foreign Languages acknowledges that each child is an individual; that all children are creative and need to succeed. Therefore, we respect the individual needs of children in a safe and caring environment.

Our schools

Laskaratou 20, Mesampelies
Ethnikis Antistaseos 142 & Isidorou 15


Our schools and the Lego Stories program are awarded with
ELT Excellence Award for 2022!

Our goal is to offer your children the most modern approach, so we never stop looking for innovative ideas!

Ακαδημαϊκά ίδρυματα

Δρακοντοπούλου 17
Εθν. Αντιστάσεως 142 & Ισιδώρου 15