Kindergarten 4-5 years old

Kindergarten 4-5 years old
Kindergarten 4-5 years old

The program focuses on teaching English with innovative and fun methods. Children learn through animated videos, stories, songs, movement, and many other activities while with the e-learning platform the lesson continues at home with your participation and monitoring of the child’s progress!

From the very first lessons, you will be able to notice first hand the child’s progress in learning English, as well as the development of self-confidence through something fun that excites them!

Through the activities, children have the opportunity to explore and discover various ways that contribute to the development of their skills and abilities, while enriching their vocabulary – the basis for further learning a foreign language.

The program focuses not only on learning the foreign language but also on understanding the world around them, thus creating the basis for their future.

In particular we aim at:

✔ Α positive start full of enthusiasm!
✔ An enjoyable lesson using songs, stories, and games.
✔ Social interaction with other children in English.
✔ Development of language skills and basic concepts.
✔ Exposure of children to English (listening to the teacher and reading) to enhance their language development.
✔ Using the knowledge they have in their mother tongue for the development of English as a foreign language in order to expand its understanding.


Our schools and the Lego Stories program are awarded with
ELT Excellence Award for 2022!


Our goal is to offer your children the most modern approach, so we never stop looking for innovative ideas!

Our schools

Laskaratou 20, Mesampelies
Ethnikis Antistaseos 142 & Isidorou 15

Ακαδημαϊκά ίδρυματα

Δρακοντοπούλου 17
Εθν. Αντιστάσεως 142 & Ισιδώρου 15